Iron Man

2h 6m
Action Adventure Fantasy Sci-fi
7.9 94%
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A billionaire industrialist and genius inventor, Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), is conducting weapons tests overseas, but terrorists kidnap him to force him to build a devastating weapon. Instead, he builds an armored suit and upends his captors. Returning to America, Stark refines the suit and uses it to combat crime and terrorism.

Top Cast

# Cast Name Role Played
8998360420171136607422566015fba76fbc.jpg Robert Downey Jr. Tony Stark
5061180290171136607423066015fba7ccc4.jpg Gwyneth Paltrow Pepper Potts
9961001656171136607421266015fba67bba.jpg Terrence Howard Rhodey
2695445978171136607424766015fba90683.jpg Jeff Bridges Obadiah Stane
3408308594171136607424866015fba91695.jpg Leslie Bibb Christine Everhart

How To Download


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Click on the download button to download the movie. Enjoy 😊.