Captain Miller

2h 45m
Action Mystery & Thriller Drama
6.6 89%
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A renegade Captain and his unconventional outlaws execute daring heists in the 1930s and 1940s. Miller must decide whether to continue running or confront the challenges head-on.

Top Cast

# Cast Name Role Played
398538971117100904189965ede8b24f689.jpg Dhanush Analeesan 'easa'
1700694647171009041810065ede8b2519ad.jpg John Kokken The Prince
3082262120171009041810165ede8b25280a.jpg Sundeep Kishan Captain Rafiq
8485448317171009041810265ede8b253a02.jpg Nivedhithaa Sathish Thaenu

How To Download


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First, click on one of the magnet links to copy the URL.


Step 2:

Then, visit this website Seedr. If it's your first time visiting, please register yourself first, and then log in.


Step 3:

After logging in, you should see the same screen as displayed here.


Step 4:

Please paste the copied URL here.


Step 4:

Click on the download button to download the movie. Enjoy 😊.