
1h 32m
Action Mystery & Thriller
4.8 33%
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(2.2 GB)

Harry (Dermot Mulroney) is a high school wrestling coach recovering from the loss of his daughter who was murdered in a brutal attack. When one of his students disappears under conditions eerily similar to his daughter's, Harry takes matters into his own hands to hunt down the men responsible for her kidnapping and will stop at nothing to rescue her from their human trafficking operation.

Top Cast

# Cast Name Role Played
1436755382171009041810365ede8b254d89.jpg Jeff Fahey Dale
9109923576171009041810465ede8b256242.jpg Mauricio Mendoza Tom
3525904863171009041810565ede8b2571e1.jpg Kesia Elwin Linda
6845242223171009041810665ede8b258360.jpg Tonantzin Esparza Jane
5798579154171009041810765ede8b2593cf.jpg Melissa Diaz Catia

How To Download


Step 1:

First, click on one of the magnet links to copy the URL.


Step 2:

Then, visit this website Seedr. If it's your first time visiting, please register yourself first, and then log in.


Step 3:

After logging in, you should see the same screen as displayed here.


Step 4:

Please paste the copied URL here.


Step 4:

Click on the download button to download the movie. Enjoy 😊.