The Price We Pay

1h 26m
Action Horror Thriller
4.9 89%
Copy 1080p Magnet Link
(3.3 GB)

After a pawn shop robbery goes askew, two criminals take refuge at a remote farmhouse to try to let the heat die down, but find something much more menacing.

Top Cast

# Cast Name Role Played
48002359981712395202604661113c265b35.jpg Emile Hirsch Alex
86069784121712395202605661113c266e2b.jpg Stephen Dorff Cody
73805104041712395202606661113c2680f8.jpg Gigi Zumbado Grace
95307853621712395202607661113c269479.jpg Vernon Wells The Doctor
14410967141712395202608661113c26a4af.jpg Tyler Sanders Danny

How To Download


Step 1:

First, click on one of the magnet links to copy the URL.


Step 2:

Then, visit this website Seedr. If it's your first time visiting, please register yourself first, and then log in.


Step 3:

After logging in, you should see the same screen as displayed here.


Step 4:

Please paste the copied URL here.


Step 4:

Click on the download button to download the movie. Enjoy 😊.